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Expert spider vein treatment in NJ

Spider veins are the smaller “cousins” of varicose veins. They are thinner and narrower than varicose veins, and gained their name because they often form web-like patterns that resemble spiders’ webs. Spider veins can be blue, purple or red in color, but generally they don’t protrude above the normal surface of the skin the way varicose veins do. They most commonly appear on the surface of the skin on the ankles and legs, although they may also appear on the arms or neck. Our New Jersey Spider Vein Removal clinic offers a non-invasive solution for treating unsightly veins.

The Spider Vein Clinic in New Jersey is a leading center for spider vein treatment in Bergen County, also treating patients from the surrounding area. The clinic offers a range of services for the treatment of both spider veins and varicose veins. The cost of treatment varies depending on the extent of the veins, but the clinic offers a number of affordable options for patients. One of the most popular treatments at the clinic is laser treatment, which has proven to be an effective method for spider vein removal. The laser works by improving blood flow and eliminating unsightly veins, leaving the skin looking clear and smooth. The team at the Spider Vein Clinic in New Jersey is dedicated to providing their patients with the best possible care and treatment outcomes.



Spider Veins

Although spider veins are not as large as varicose veins, they are a sign of vein disease and a compromised circulatory system. Thus they can cause some of the same side effects as varicose veins – swollen legs, chronic tiredness and weakness, and an impaired immune system. Left untreated, they are not only a cosmetic problem, but increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Spider veins may be caused by the same chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) that causes varicose veins, but before treating them with sclerotherapy or other injection treatments, it is important for your Bergen County vein doctor to do a complete assessment to find out whether the superficial spider veins are being caused by some underlying problem in deeper veins. If that is the case, the deeper cause must be addressed first to ensure successful treatment of the spider veins.

Discover how our vein specialists can help improve your quality of life.

Cross County Cardiology physicians specialize in a number of state-of-the-art venous procedures and diagnostic tests. To find out more about them, and how these treatments may help you or a loved one, complete the form below and one of our specialists will contact you.


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8 am - 5 pm


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Secaucus (551) 373-9007

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