There are a host of factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins, spider veins, and other forms of vein disease. Although vein doctors in Bergen County may not be able to tell you with complete certainty what caused your vein disease, they can identify certain risk factors that increase your likelihood of developing it. These risk factors are generally divided into two categories – risk factors that are non-modifiable and that you can’t do anything about, and risk factors that are more within your control.
The most important non-modifiable risk factor for vein disease is heredity – over 50% of patients with varicose veins have one or more parents who had them. The next most important risk factors are age and gender. You are more likely to develop vein disease if you are over 50 years of age, and (for hormonal reasons) you are more likely to develop it if you are female. Another risk factor related to gender is pregnancy, which increases a woman’s vein disease risk in two ways – through hormonal changes, and by increasing the overall volume of blood in the body.
In the category of modifiable risk factors – those you can do something about to prevent vein disease – at the top of the list is being overweight or obese. This places a greater strain on the circulatory system, so if you know that you already exhibit some of the risk factors discussed above, you should do whatever you can to maintain a healthy weight.
Vein Disease - Risk Factors from PARAMOUNT MD on Vimeo.
Smoking cigarettes is also a primary cause of vein disease, just as it is a cause of heart and pulmonary disease, so if you care about your health, you should stop. Lack of exercise – especially sitting too much – increases your risk of vein disease. So do certain medications (such as birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy), and certain other medical conditions, such as diabetes, and liver disease.
Cross County Cardiology physicians specialize in a number of state-of-the-art venous procedures and diagnostic tests. To find out more about them, and how these treatments may help you or a loved one, complete the form below and one of our specialists will contact you.
Monday - Friday
8 am - 5 pm
Upon Request
Early evening weekday hours are available upon request.
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Saturday and early evening weekday hours are available upon request.
Secaucus (551) 373-9007
Edgewater (551) 357-0021
Teaneck (551) 373-4073
North Bergen (551) 373-4032
Hoboken (551) 766-1289
Secaucus Office
38 Meadowlands Parkway
Secaucus, NJ 07094
(551) 373-9007
Edgewater Office
103 River Road 2nd floor
Edgewater, NJ 07020
(551) 357-0021
Teaneck Office
222 Cedar Lane Suite 204
Teaneck, NJ 07666
(551) 373-4073
North Bergen Office
7322 Bergenline Avenue
North Bergen, NJ 07047
(551) 373-4032
Rick Pumill, MD, FACC Secaucus NJ
Fernando Segovia, MD, FACC North Bergen NJ
Yaron Bareket, MD, FACC Secaucus NJ
Christopher Pumill, MD, FACC Hoboken NJ
Kevin Soriano, MD, FACC Hoboken NJ